
Robin Kingham

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2000. I had just returned to college after having two baby girls in 2.5 years. I got very sick very fast and ended up in the hospital. My colon needed to be removed pretty emergently and 3 + weeks later,I left the hospital with no colon and an ostomy. After the pathology reports came back my diagnosis was changed to inderminant colitis and my surgeon asked if I would consider connecting my ileum to what was left of my rectum. I lived that way for 20 years. In 2018 my diagnosis changed again and I had to accept the fact that I had Crohn’s disease all along. My scope in 2020 showed the potential for colon cancer and so more surgery was necessary. I ended up getting a jpouch- unusual for people with Crohn’s for lots of reasons, but my Crohn's is in my stomach (RARE) so they thought it was a good option. So now, I’m a Crohnie with a jpouch and sharing it all with all of you on the podcast.